Thursday, 11 January 2018

Exam -- Ready! (or not ... )

Well, the end is drawing nigh for this young brigade: The final examinations take place over the next two weeks...and then the course is done. Off to new adventures for the students ... welcome another group to form a new brigade for hold me!

The final examination in this course consists of three parts; a final tools test (recognizing tools by their correct name), a homework assignment called "Chef-At-Home", during which the students have to cook substantial meals for their families for three consecutive days for the main evening meal (and learn to plan and manage all the costs), and an in-class high-pressure demonstration of their skills, creating a sumptuous menu for our student-run restaurant, "The Acorn".

The in-class portion is by far the most difficult, as each student must create a minimum of two dishes from scratch. A bit of work may be done the day before (such as making stock, or making a biga for bread, or making creme fraiche), but the rest of the work must be done on the day of the event. The kitchen is open to welcome students at 06h00 (that is not a typo), and we shoot the meal at 11h45 to members of the Monarch Park staff who choose to join us.

And because this is exam review time, all the dishes and mess is left, piled up to heaven, for the next day's clean-up effort. Leftovers are put away of course, but the rest of the shambles can wait a day.

Skills are hard-pressed and execution must be very very good. Each of these skills has been practised throughout the semester, so there is nothing new here ... it is the culmination of all these skills, bringing them together in symphony.

First, every recipe must be written out in the professional manner on one of our recipe blanks.

Then, an individual time planner must be created for each recipe so the duration of the work is known.
This is an example of how it needs to be done.

Then all the student's recipes' timings must be entered onto a comprehensive time sheet, so there is no need to become an octopus and have a need to do three things at once. (This is a difficult skill to develop for anyone.)

Finally, a comprehensive food requisition sheet must be written up so a single gigantic shopping may be done for the exam.

During the exam time all recipes and time managers may be posted up on a wall or cupboard door for easy quick reference ... I am not looking for a feat of memory, just reliable, on-time and close to flawless execution.

Students are judged on everything possible; their appearance (is hair tucked into their high-hat properly, no fake fingernails or long fingernails or fingernail polish, proper footwear, no watches or rings), their attire (proper and complete chef uniform), their time management, their tool use, knife skills, space use, co-ordination with a team-mate where a recipe is shared, individual work on a solo dish, management of heat and/or cold, economy of motion, foot stance and body attitude towards the work-spaces, their sharing of equipment, final plating for maximum visual impact (I look for rhythm and altitude on the plate, especially for desserts), and the final taste of the food. The next day (clean-up day) they're able to earn marks for cooperation on the clean-up and a cheery attitude of help and support towards everyone else in the kitchen.

Is it a lot? Yes. It is what is expected in industry every single day, and successful students in the course (who earn a final mark of 80% or more) can always get a strong recommendation from me for professional work. For those who apply for jobs, we have a 100% successful hiring rate. One semester the entire brigade got summer jobs in the trade!

I am greatly looking forward to what these fine young chefs do to 'strut their stuff'!

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